What is the most sentient ai?

Meet LamDA That may be exactly what Google is doing. Google's senior software engineer, Blake Lemoine, who signed up to test Google's artificial intelligence tool called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), has stated that the AI robot is, in fact, sensitive and has thoughts and feelings.

What is the most sentient ai?

Meet LamDA That may be exactly what Google is doing. Google's senior software engineer, Blake Lemoine, who signed up to test Google's artificial intelligence tool called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), has stated that the AI robot is, in fact, sensitive and has thoughts and feelings. Sensitivity is the ability to feel and perceive oneself, others, and the world. It can be thought of as abstract consciousness, the feeling that something is thinking about itself and its environment.

This means that sensitivity involves both emotions (feelings) and perceptions (thoughts). For an AI to be sensitive, it would have to go beyond this type of intelligence for tasks and demonstrate perception, feelings, and even free will. However, depending on how we define these concepts, we may never have conscious AI.