10 Examples of How AI is Transforming Our Daily Lives

From unlocking our phones in the morning to using digital voice assistants throughout the day - here are 10 examples of how artificial intelligence is already being used in our daily lives.

10 Examples of How AI is Transforming Our Daily Lives

When you hear news about artificial intelligence (AI), it can be easy to assume that it has nothing to do with you. You may think that AI is something only big tech giants focus on and that it doesn't affect your daily life. In reality, AI is already playing a major role in our lives, from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night. Here are 10 of the best examples of how AI is transforming our daily lives. One of the first things many people do every morning is use their smartphones.

When the device is unlocked using biometric data, such as Face ID, it utilizes artificial intelligence to enable that functionality. Apple's FaceID works by illuminating your face, placing 30,000 invisible infrared dots on it, and capturing an image. Then, machine learning algorithms compare the scan of your face with what is stored on your device to determine if the person trying to unlock the phone is you or not. Apple claims the probability of someone cheating FaceID is one in a million. After unlocking your phone, what's next? Many people check their social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, to stay up-to-date on what happened overnight.

Not only does artificial intelligence work behind the scenes to personalize what you see in your feeds (since it learns what types of posts interest you most based on your past history), but it also discovers suggestions from friends, identifies and filters fake news, and uses machine learning to prevent cyberbullying. Digital voice assistants are quickly becoming our indispensable companions throughout life, whether it's getting directions to a restaurant or asking about the weather for a weekend getaway. These tools, from Siri and Alexa to Google Home and Cortana, use natural language processors and AI-powered generators to return answers to you. Smart assistants integrated into our phones, such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, are the most obvious examples of AI that most of us know and use. AI can also be used together with cameras, radar, cloud services, GPS and vehicle control signals to operate autonomous vehicles. AI can improve the in-vehicle experience and provide additional systems such as emergency braking, blind spot monitoring and driver-assisted steering. Social media sites use AI to examine user preferences and behavior, suggest relevant material, and personalize the user experience.

In addition, AI systems are used to detect fake news, hate speech and other harmful content. Applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare include patient monitoring, drug research and medical imaging. Medical image analysis, anomaly detection, and diagnostic support are all capabilities of AI algorithms. For example, Merative (formerly IBM Watson Health) uses AI to analyze medical images and help doctors make diagnoses. The Ada app uses AI to help users identify symptoms and connect with health professionals. E-commerce sites such as Amazon offer product recommendations to customers using AI algorithms based on their search queries, browsing histories and other information.

As a result, sales are boosted and customer satisfaction is improved.