A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Artificial Intelligence

In this article we explore different types of artificial intelligence such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, fuzzy logic, expert systems and reactive AI.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Artificial Intelligence

AI is a vast field that encompasses many domains, such as machine learning, deep learning, and more. In this article, we'll explore the various types of artificial intelligence and how they are used in the world today. Machine learning is a science that enables machines to interpret, process, and analyze data to solve real-world problems.

Machine learning

is one of the most popular forms of artificial intelligence.

It is used in facial recognition algorithms on Facebook, autonomous cars, virtual assistants such as Siri and Alexa, and more. Deep learning is an advanced branch of machine learning that can be used to solve more complex problems. It involves implementing neural networks in high-dimensional data to obtain information and create solutions. Natural language processing (NLP) is the science that extracts information from natural human language to communicate with machines and grow businesses.

It is used in chatbots, voice recognition systems, and more. Robotics is a branch of AI that focuses on different branches and applications of robots. AI robots are artificial agents that act in a real-world environment to produce results by taking responsible action. Sophia, the humanoid robot, is a good example of AI in robotics.

Fuzzy logic is a computer approach based on the principles of “degrees of truth” rather than the usual modern computer logic. It is used in the field of medicine to solve complex problems involving decision-making and in automatic gearboxes and control of vehicle environments. Expert systems use if-then logical notations to solve complex problems. They are not based on conventional procedural programming and are mainly used in information management, medical facilities, loan analysis, virus detection, etc. The most basic type of artificial intelligence is reactive AI, which is programmed to provide a predictable output based on the input it receives.

Reactive machines always respond to identical situations in the same way and cannot learn actions or conceive of the past or the future. Creating this type of AI, which is decades if not centuries away from materializing, is and will always be the ultimate goal of all AI research. Therefore, depending on how a machine compares to humans in terms of versatility and performance, AI can be classified as one among multiple types. Artificial general intelligence is the ability of an AI agent to fully learn, perceive, understand and function like a human being. We still know too little about the human brain to build an artificial one that is almost as intelligent. By categorizing different types of artificial intelligence, we can see how far AI has come, where it's headed and what the future holds.

If you've ever used Amazon Alexa, Apple's Face ID or interacted with a chatbot, you've interacted with artificial intelligence technology. In the distant future it will be seen if general artificial intelligence and self-conscious AI are correlative. One type is based on classifying AI and AI-enabled machines based on their similarity to the human mind and their ability to “think” and perhaps even “feel” like humans.