How to Keep Your Data Secure When Outsourcing to Artificial Intelligence

Learn how to protect your sensitive information when outsourcing to artificial intelligence (AI). Understand the risks involved in outsourcing and how to mitigate them.

How to Keep Your Data Secure When Outsourcing to Artificial Intelligence

When it comes to outsourcing to artificial intelligence (AI), companies must take extra steps to ensure that their data is not compromised. The use of AI, machine learning and robotic process automation has become increasingly popular, and data management is the most common application. To protect sensitive information, companies should agree with their outsourcing partner on a secure procedure, use LLM Shield technology, and perform regular security checks and audits. Additionally, they should have processes in place to identify vulnerabilities and address them. When selecting the right products for the digital workforce, it is essential to have a knowledgeable leader who is aware of the concerns of protecting data privacy and the benefits of AI technology.

Derek Gallimore, founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, has seen the complexity of the customer service industry grow. He emphasizes that a well-protected outsourced project will always be safer than a poorly protected local project. AI can also be used to monitor data for abnormal usage patterns and risky behaviors. It is important for companies to understand that outsourcing does involve risks, but there are ways to mitigate them. The difference between what is local and what is outsourced is much smaller than the difference between what is well protected and what is not.

Healthcare provider organizations and technology providers are already using AI technology for medical diagnosis, collecting data on symptoms, analyzing data, looking for patterns, diagnosing, treating, measuring effectiveness, and repeating. AI is a powerful tool for doctors and drug manufacturers, but it also presents a risk of sensitive company data being leaked to new AI-powered tools. Companies must be aware of this risk and take steps to protect their data when outsourcing to AI. By agreeing on a secure procedure with their outsourcing partner, using LLM Shield technology, performing regular security checks and audits, and having processes in place to identify vulnerabilities and address them, companies can ensure that their data remains safe.